I recently built a pair of walnut nightstands for my daughter, these being the first (hopefully, of many) pieces of furniture that are built...
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Paul Mayer
How To Turn Cedar Wood Into A Vase with Resin
Dan Preece is a hobbyist woodturner who loves to take on new challenges using carefully selected wood, finished with resin to produce beautiful art...
Continue ReadingFive Woodworking Tips for Complex Builds
Woodworking glue-ups can be complicated, which causes stress for many woodworkers.The risk is that you are unable to complete the assembly before...
Continue ReadingHow To Use Grain Filler To Improve Wood Finish
When finishing a porous hardwood such as oak or walnut, the open pore structure can cause your final surface to appear coarse and rippled rather than...
Continue ReadingFive Tips for Starting a Woodworking YouTube Channel
In a recent blog, I presented some reasons why I think you should consider starting a YouTube channel to share your woodworking with the world. If...
Continue ReadingMeet David Sterling: The World's First One-Armed Professional Bowl Turner
US Combat Veteran David Sterling earned a Purple Heart for wounds received in the line of duty and a Silver Star for valorous actions during his...
Continue ReadingIf you’re like many woodworkers, you occasionally watch a woodworking video on YouTube and say to yourself “I could do that.” You might even say “I...
Continue ReadingFinishing Tips From Wood Turning Pro Michael Earley
I recently had the opportunity to attend a finishing seminar that was led by renown artist/woodturner Michael Early. Michael produces some of the...
Continue ReadingTurn a Copper and Wood Barrel Bottle Stopper
Turning bottle stoppers is highly addictive, and this copper and wood barrel wine bottle stopper is an example of where that rabbit hole can take...
Continue ReadingHow to Turn Awesome Bottle Stoppers
Bottle stoppers are one of the simplest turning projects to make, and they make great gifts or impulse purchase items at craft shows. If you have a...
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