How West Coast Exhibits Scaled to New Heights with Laguna CNC Machines In the world of exhibit design, precision, efficiency, and adaptability define...
Continue ReadingTopic: Lasers
How to Perfectly Cut Stainless Steel with a Fiber Laser: A Complete Guide
Cutting stainless steel with precision requires more than just a powerful fiber laser—it demands the right setup, settings, and techniques. In this...
Continue ReadingHow to Create Custom Laser-Cut Valentine’s Gifts on a CO2 Laser (+ Free Download)
Looking for a Unique Valentine’s Day Gift? Laser-Cut It Yourself! Valentine’s Day is all about showing appreciation for the people you love, and...
Continue ReadingLaser Engraving Solutions for the Firearms Industry
Laser Engraving Solutions for the Firearms Industry: Precision Meets Compliance
Continue ReadingCommon CO2 Laser Materials 101
Most of the laser jobs that I work on are either done on wood or on plastic. I would also say that these are the two most common choices of materials...
Continue ReadingEngraving Glass With A CO2 Laser
The Laguna CNC laser is a unique tool in that it can work on many different types of products. I personally do a lot with wood, and some with...
Continue ReadingA Step-By-Step Of Sheet Engraving On A CO2 Laser
Often times I get orders for small items, but a large quantity. Depending on how many individual items the order is for, I will sometimes make a...
Continue ReadingHow To Laser Engrave A Wood Sign
One of the most common materials to be engraved or cut on the laser is wood. There are all types of wood that serve different purposes. It is...
Continue ReadingCNC Files, Programs, and Prep, Oh My!
Working on a CNC laser is a lot of fun, and the variety of projects you can make are vast. When preparing to make something, it is very important to...
Continue ReadingTurning and Laser Engraving A Large, 19" Serving Tray
The reason that I love owning a massive lathe with a large swing capacity is that it gives me the ability to turn large, gnarly chunks of wood...
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