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Topic: How To

How To Repair A Cracked Table Leaf
By George Vondriska on July 14, 2021

If you do any woodworking at all, I bet people bring you items like this all the time. This table leaf is from an older table that the owner really...

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Turning and Laser Engraving A Large, 19" Serving Tray
By Paul Mayer on July 12, 2021

The reason that I love owning a massive lathe with a large swing capacity is that it gives me the ability to turn large, gnarly chunks of wood...

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Setting Ceramic Guides on the 14|12 Bandsaw
By Willie Sandry on July 5, 2021

One of the best features of the 14|12 bandsaw is the ceramic guides. Ceramic is one of the hardest materials known to man, and lasts an incredibly...

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Make A Bowl With An Epoxy Accent
By George Vondriska on June 30, 2021

Bowl turning is a fun hobby all by itself. With today’s interest in working with epoxy you can combine bowl turning and epoxy to create epoxy accents...

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Level an Epoxy Pour on your CNC
By George Vondriska on June 23, 2021

Working with epoxy is all the rage right now, and it’s common to pour epoxy alongside a piece or two of wood. You can easily level the resulting...

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Cut Upholstery Foam With a Bandsaw
By Willie Sandry on June 21, 2021

The bandsaw is an incredibly versatile woodworking tool. I use my Laguna 1412 all the time for notching, resawing, as well as cutting curved...

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Pen Turning Basics
By George Vondriska on June 16, 2021

Turning pens on your lathe is a blast, and offers some great advantages:

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CNC: How to Fly Cut Your Spoilboard
By George Vondriska on June 9, 2021

The spoilboard on your CNC router is a disposable commodity. Not in the sense that you’ll throw it out and get a new one, but in the sense that your...

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Matching an Antique Finish
By Willie Sandry on June 7, 2021

I like to restore antique furniture, especially when it’s a classic piece of arts and crafts history. My favorites are rocking chairs and armchairs...

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CNC: Create a Textured Dome
By George Vondriska on June 2, 2021

It’s easy to create a hand-carved look on a domed lid using VCarve Pro software and your CNC router.

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