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Laguna Tools

Lean Principles in Woodworking - Ensuring Quality for Your Customers
By Laguna Tools on February 17, 2020

Lean principles focus on the elimination of waste and putting the customer's needs first. It sounds fairly simple - who wants to be wasteful?

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The Beginner's Guide to Classic Woodworking Machinery
By Laguna Tools on February 12, 2020

It’s challenging to expand your business in classic woodworking… but the culprit isn’t the usual small business challenge.

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How Do CNC Routers Work?
By Laguna Tools on February 10, 2020

The "CNC" in a CNC router is an acronym that stands for Computer Numerical Control. A CNC router has many similarities to a traditional hand-held...

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Using CNC Routers In Your Home Workshop
By Laguna Tools on February 6, 2020

Are you considering upgrading your workshop with a machine that can make your projects quicker and easier than ever before? If so, a CNC router may...

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SignCraft Solutions| Customer Profile
By Laguna Tools on August 27, 2019

SignCraft Solutions is a full service sign manufacturing, installing, and "anything a customer needs, we'll do," company. Owner and founder Bob...

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Why Choose A LAGUNA SmartShop CNC
By Laguna Tools on August 27, 2019

The SmartShop line of CNCs from Laguna Tools sets a new standard for quality, longevity, and ease of operation with features normally associated with...

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How to Save Material Costs and Time
By Laguna Tools on August 23, 2019

One of the biggest advantages of a CNC machine is being able to use as much of your materials as possible. This process is called Nesting. But, how...

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Using VCarve With An IQ CNC Router
By Laguna Tools on August 8, 2019

Think setting up and cutting a design on a CNC router is hard? With a licensed stock design from Adobe, check out how easily it is to set up the...

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Rack and Pinion VS Ball Screw
By Laguna Tools on August 2, 2019

What's the real difference? Why do companies choose to use one over the other? Or, in LAGUNA's case, why do we use both? There are tons of articles...

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