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How-to Woodworking General cabinet making Classic Machinery

XP|20 and XP|14 Conveyors

By Willie Sandry on December, 11 2024

Fits Your Space, Fits Your Tools. You might think a roller conveyor is reserved for large woodworking shops or cabinet-making factories, but the XP|20 is so versatile, you’ll find it right at home in small to midsize shops. It stretches to a maximum length of 50” when in use, and makes a perfect outfeed catch for your favorite planer. You’ll feel like the foreman of a cabinet shop with the efficiency and features of this roller conveyor system. Plus – this 20” model and the 14” wide XP|14 version have a trick up their sleeve to make a great portable worktable!  


XP Conveyor Tables Big Features Small Package

Big Features, Small Package. The box size hints at the roller conveyors extremely compact size. If fact, the 20” wide model retracts to an incredibly small footprint of 17.5” long x 24.25” wide. Plus - the minimum height is only 23”, so it easily fits under a table saw wing or drill press table. This means our handy roller conveyor can fit in just about any size shop.


XP Conveyor Tables Assembly

Assembly is a Snap. Connect two lower support bars to the adjustable chrome legs, and drop the lower leg assemblies into place. I like to leave the bolts a little loose, and snug them up once installed. Tool-free knobs let you adjust the conveyor height from 23” to a maximum of 41.75”. Scales are included to make height adjustment accurate and repeatable.


XP Conveyor Tables Total Lock Casters

Total Lock Casters. Add the casters to the threaded inserts on the bottom of the legs for easy shop mobility. These 4” wheels are large enough to roll over extension cords and wood scraps, and swivel freely when you need mobility. When it’s time to work, just depress the foot pedal to lock the wheels in place. An important note – these are the “Total Lock” type of casters, so both roll and swivel are solidly locked in place.


XP Conveyor Tables Laguna Link

You Won’t Believe It. Laguna Link makes the magic happen on this multi-purpose conveyor system. The link bar stays attached to the accordion frame on one end with a nylon lock-nut, and features a quick-release slot on the other end. This lets you lock in a rigid platform, and quickly collapse it when you’re done. Other platforms flex and sway, but the Laguna Link on the XP|14 and XP|20 roller conveyors are unbelievably solid.


XP Conveyor Tables Threaded Knobs

Here’s the Curveball. With workpiece conveyors, you pretty much know what to expect. But this model has an interesting twist that lets it transform into a portable work surface. Threaded knobs at all four corners are normally fully threaded in place, but if you raise them above the plane of the rollers, they offer a unique advantage that totally transforms the platform.


XP Conveyor Work TablesOne Worktable Coming Up! Make a worktop from sheet goods of your choice, leaving some extra length at both ends. Next, drill ½” deep holes with a common 35mm cabinet hinge bit. This creates slightly oversized holes for the knobs, and allows the worktop to easily register in place.


XP Conveyor Tables Pro Grade Work Surface

Pro-Grade Work Surface. Round the corners, and add cleats from underneath to further index the table in position. Add plastic laminate on top for a durable surface as desired. Now you have the option of a roller conveyor or portable table for more work space. This makes a fantastic outfeed support for your table saw, or a perfect spot to stack or transport lumber. And no matter which option you choose, it’s easily height-adjustable to exactly match your tools.


XP Conveyor Tables Adjustable Legs

Right on the Money. Just raise the adjustable leg set to match the bed height of your planer or saw and lock the knobs. From there, just start feeding lumber and appreciate your improved productivity. It gives you an accurate reference surface, even better than a helper in the shop, letting one person do the work of two.


XP Conveyor Tables Versatile

Versatile is the Word. With such a wide adjustment range, the XP|20 conveyor will work on most any tool in your shop, including taller tools. I expected it to be perfect for the planer and tablesaw, but what surprised me is how handy it is at the bandsaw. It simply creates perfect infeed or outfeed support at just about any height.


XP Conveyor Tables Curved

Meets all Your Shop Needs. For more complex material handling setups, the conveyor can also be positioned in a curved shape. This gives the operator nearly limitless infeed, outfeed, and conveyor layouts. And it does all this while maintaining a rigid platform and stable base.


XP Conveyor Tables Linkable

Grows with Your Space. One of the slickest features of this system – the conveyors are linkable. By simply latching two or more units together, you can extend the roller surface and fully customize your shop layout. Stretch, shrink, bend and curve them to adapt to your space.


 See the XP|14 and XP|20 in action


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